Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I voTe DAvid: for my better AmeriCa

I just gotta give a sh0uT out T0 my maN.  

David IS RaD.  
He works his butt off.
I thiNK his emPloyeeS think of hiM as a good guY.
I suRe do.
His  liTtlE chilD-spaWn Adore hiM.
He is still in sch0ol and taking his last final tonight.
He helped IsaaC anD MiLlie caTCh their first fiSh the other day.
He is allergic to tigers.  
Yes I know this foR cErtAIn.
He is s0 funNy and maKeS fun of hImsElF.
When I am with him my mouth hurts from laughing like a l00n.
He doeS not ParticUlarLy care for raiSins. 
He loves hot dogs and pop corn.
He cares for a garden and is looking int0 buyiNg a boAt

Good luck on youR Final Final DAvid MariE!  
I hope you get a B. 


Rozemary said...

I voted for him.

Dude, wait, was that David or Obama????

Mr. Pres Man. Hook me up!

Rachel J. said...

Maybe he will issue you some bullet proof bras if you are in his on-ter-age.