Monday, June 2, 2008

Millie's songs

I am listening to my 3 year old daughter play alone on the floor beside me while I think about what to type. 

Her converstion with her toys is as follows:

"what are you doing?"
"ho ho ho"

Now breaking into song: 
"butterflies...little butterflies... you are so cute." 
"I sing that mom!" she tells me.

Now we are back to "ho ho ho", and I don't think I see a Santa toy.

"Sing a song for me" I request.  
"About what mom?"
"Ummm, chicken nuggets", I said.

"Chicken nuggets has ketchup and it has mus-terd wif it and I say..(fart, fart sounds)."

"Nice one", I say.  
"Now sing something about your brother Aaron (who is 18 months).

"Baby Aaron is so cute he throw food and sand a lot.  He don't want to do that but he wants to eat it and he and Cerena (his baby friend) throw food too, and he don't want to hold her hand and steps steps steps and he don't want to do that and hold her hand. "
(Chorus) "And he just lies and he lies.  And he lies lies LIES!!" 


Rozemary said...

He he he.. I love it! I love listening to my kids play and the things they talk about, pretend about and sing about. It makes you see the world in such a simple, funny way. Was that Sarina she was singing about also???

Rachel J. said...

Of course. They are like family, man!
Millie also sings a song about Heart Doggie and how he loves to eat tomatoes and go to the park...