We laughed and laughed.
Isaac then went to tell me a story all on his own. I love this. He can come up with all the characters, (not quite a) plot, surprises and ending all on his own. The only aid I offer if any, is something like asking what happens next...
There was once a dream that had a lot of statues. These were elephant statues and they were silver. The statues were not outside, they were in a big castle. The King liked the elephant statues so very much that he decided to take them to the brave knights. The king took a special golden statue to his brave knight and said,"brave knight, look at this statue". And the brave knight said, "wow!". He liked it a lot.
Then the golden elephant popped open! It popped everywhere!!
And inside of the elephant statue, there was an egg.
The king loved the egg.
The brave knight loved the egg.
The queen loved it too.
It was an egg for a baby chick.
A baby chick was inside!
So the brave knight put the egg inside a cage.
Then the egg hatched and there was a baby chick inside!
And the baby chick walked all around the cage.
And it was so nice.
The end.
It is always fascinating to hear little children express themselves. I realize that they have a limited vocabulary and yet, are still so capable. I find that sometimes, children have a better way...a purer and simpler way with words than a lot of adults...bringing new concepts and views to light. Being the nonsensical thinker I am...trying to make ridiculous depth apparent in something as shallow as a dixie cup full of grape juice, I cannot help but to draw a few things out of this silly night-night story of his.