Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pillow Talk with the Big Boy

I was just laying with Isaac and chatting with the lights off before I left him on his own to fall asleep.  We were reminiscing about our fun day at the petting zoo and then realized that there were no pigs there today.  I said that they were probably out shopping or at the pool. Isaac replied with his famous belly-laugh and added that the piggies were wearing Spiderman life vests, scuba masks and snorkels. This then turned into a pool full of several jungle and farm animals, with crocodiles jumping off the diving board.  All wearing life vests and floating on the foamy pool noodles.
We laughed and laughed.

Isaac then went to tell me a story all on his own.  I love this.  He can come up with all the characters, (not quite a) plot, surprises and ending all on his own.  The only aid I offer if any, is something like asking what happens next...

There was once a dream that had a lot of statues.  These were elephant statues and they were silver.  The statues were not outside, they were in a big castle.  The King liked the elephant statues so very much that he decided to take them to the brave knights.  The king took a special golden statue to his brave knight and said,"brave knight, look at this statue".  And the brave knight said, "wow!".  He liked it a lot.  
Then the golden elephant popped open!  It popped everywhere!!
And inside of the elephant statue, there was an egg.  
The king loved the egg.  
The brave knight loved the egg.
The queen loved it too.
It was an egg for a baby chick.
A baby chick was inside!
So the brave knight put the egg inside a cage.
Then the egg hatched and there was a baby chick inside!
And the baby chick walked all around the cage.
And it was so nice.
The end.

It is always fascinating to hear little children express themselves.  I realize that they have a limited vocabulary and yet, are still so capable.  I find that sometimes, children have a better way...a purer and simpler way with words than a lot of adults...bringing new concepts and views to light.  Being the nonsensical thinker I am...trying to make ridiculous depth apparent in something as shallow as a dixie cup full of grape juice, I cannot help but to draw a few things out of this silly night-night story of his.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Millie's songs


I say to her that our bodies are special and wonderful and let's sing a different song.

She breaks into another from the same (bodily) origin:

"goes (fart, fart sounds)...and I eat's Yum!!"

I say that is not a very polite thing to sing about and it probably tastes yucky too.  

She is crazy.  
Our Utah family is visiting next month and I just know Millie is going to sing for them.  
I am sorry in advance, Angie.  

We are open about things 'round here, yet respectful.  I guess pooh humor is inevitable.

(To be honest, I laugh with my back turned.)

Friday, June 20, 2008

Clever Toddler Moment-of-the-day

This afternoon I was reorganizing my calender and cork board.  

Isaac was about to pull out one of my push pins when I warned; 
"Be careful...those can poke, and hurt you."  

Isaac then reassuringly replied, 
"...but Mom, they're tiny mouse swords."

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy For dirt

Oh how we love our yard! 

Who needs toys, when you can play with sticks.

Isaac is making his own "dust storm".

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Rachel's tribute to the 1980's


My friend had an 8o's party with good nacho cheese dip.  
Here are some photos of me in my garb.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Ahoy Mateys!

Here she is!  

David is now the proud owner of a boat!  Crabbing and fishing will be a blast.
We just need to name her and super glue on a hood ornament.
I am taking a list of names, the winning name will be painted on before this glorious vessel sets sail on the waters of Puget Sound.

So far, our list of names include:
Mary Jane
Reel CrabbY

All ideas welcome.
I will post a picture of the newly-painted name soon, so check to see who wins!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I voTe DAvid: for my better AmeriCa

I just gotta give a sh0uT out T0 my maN.  

David IS RaD.  
He works his butt off.
I thiNK his emPloyeeS think of hiM as a good guY.
I suRe do.
His  liTtlE chilD-spaWn Adore hiM.
He is still in sch0ol and taking his last final tonight.
He helped IsaaC anD MiLlie caTCh their first fiSh the other day.
He is allergic to tigers.  
Yes I know this foR cErtAIn.
He is s0 funNy and maKeS fun of hImsElF.
When I am with him my mouth hurts from laughing like a l00n.
He doeS not ParticUlarLy care for raiSins. 
He loves hot dogs and pop corn.
He cares for a garden and is looking int0 buyiNg a boAt

Good luck on youR Final Final DAvid MariE!  
I hope you get a B. 

Monday, June 9, 2008





Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pictures of our Mt. Baker camp trip in May

David and kids heading to the look out point at the Mount Baker Visitor Center.

A precious family of Canadian Geese we saw on the side of the road while sight seeing.

David took this snapshot of Mt. Baker (which is a volcano.  Did you know that?) and the surrounding mountains.

Peaches hanging around the campsite.

Isaac posing with his adorable smile like a good boy.

Daddy and Aaron, taking it all in.

Toddler Conversation

you squish me
on my eyeball
on the eyeball
thats crazy
he he ho ho
on the eyeball
squish this

(The banter between Isaac and Peaches while playing with couch pillows)

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Mom Quotes

Motherhood is serious business and once in it, can cause a mom to second guess her original wanting to create further life outside of her own.  Every mom has her number. For me it was my third.  I already had 2 little ones, and now a newbie that would not let me put him down. Toss in the raging horror-monez of afterbirth and I was taxed.

I received encouragement from several girlfriends.  Some of their wise words, I will remember for a long time to come.

"...Some women are just built to have lots of kids and are better off for it...we should!"  
C. Hincy

"...I stopped trying to decide on the number of kids I will have, and now look at it like I am building something.  I am building a little community."  
L. Patricelli 

"...I am not going to lie.  Life is hard now,  (having a son with autism) and I understand what people mean when they say that.  I know that I am not in a position to have more kids at this time in my life; but know I will not be completed until I have two more." 
 S. Foote

"...I have to say I am having so much fun with my kids.  Everyday is so amazing watching them grow.   It is an honor to be their mom."  
L. Reed 

Thanks for providing the perspective ladies.  
The world needs more of the stuff you are made of.

Business Idea Up For Grabs

This spring I went on a "solo" mommy vacation to Washington DC.  It was long overdue and absolutely necessary.  I experienced a 7-8 hour delay departing there and back.  
My fellow travelers were cranky and I was too distracted to read.

Here is my idea:
There should be a kiosk at the airport that has a variety of board games to check out or rent for those waiting and tired of the gift shop romance novels.

Good idea right?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Millie's songs

I am listening to my 3 year old daughter play alone on the floor beside me while I think about what to type. 

Her converstion with her toys is as follows:

"what are you doing?"
"ho ho ho"

Now breaking into song: 
"butterflies...little butterflies... you are so cute." 
"I sing that mom!" she tells me.

Now we are back to "ho ho ho", and I don't think I see a Santa toy.

"Sing a song for me" I request.  
"About what mom?"
"Ummm, chicken nuggets", I said.

"Chicken nuggets has ketchup and it has mus-terd wif it and I say..(fart, fart sounds)."

"Nice one", I say.  
"Now sing something about your brother Aaron (who is 18 months).

"Baby Aaron is so cute he throw food and sand a lot.  He don't want to do that but he wants to eat it and he and Cerena (his baby friend) throw food too, and he don't want to hold her hand and steps steps steps and he don't want to do that and hold her hand. "
(Chorus) "And he just lies and he lies.  And he lies lies LIES!!" 

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Windwings of Love

Anybody remember driving down the freeway with mom in the driver seat, something like the "Mommas and the Poppas" playing on the radio, the weather calm and warm? All the while enjoying the ride with the constant flow of breeze and wind.  

My mom was poor and we never had a new car or A.C.  Our rides were older and usually acquired through the goodness of others.  We used one used car after another.  Driving each into the ground.  VW's, Fords...whatever my mom could find that had a few good rides left in her and could be bought for cheap.

The side fenders of our vehicles often wore a coat of muted grey bondo  that would never be reunited with their factory shades of sea-foam green and sparkly copper.  Interiors were ratty-tatty and smelly.  "Hey, it gets me down the road" my mom would said happily.

I was honestly embarrassed to roll up to Junior High in our VW bus that was painted 3 different colors when my peers were climbing out of big shiny trucks with hitches for their boats.  

Now here I am, enjoying the blessings of a hardworking husband who can deliver. My car is less than 4 years old and reliable and safe.  If I ever gave her a good washing, I'm sure she'd shine .  I'm sure if my kids were old enough to feel peer-pressure, they'd be cool with being dropped off in the school parking lot.

We have A.C. in my preppy silver Escape, but when the weather is nice, I want the real deal.  Where I live, we cruise I-5 to get anywhere.  At freeway speeds, on a sunny day, listening to the "Mommas and the Poppas", I can't roll down my window!  What's up with this madness?!

I cannot hear the radio.  My baby in the backseat is blasted and is unable to take breath.  My hair flips all over the place, getting tangled in my glasses, and my driving ability becomes impaired.  I feel like I have been sucked into a tornado and will be spat out somewhere in Guam.

Riding with mom, I was like the first mate.  With being the oldest kid at home came the right of passage to ride shotgun.  I would hop in my front seat while the younger kids rode the bench in the back.  I would fiddle with the radio knobs and reach to my side window to flip back the lock to position my windwing. With the aid of this small triangular-shaped window, I had the ability to control my environment and wind-flow.  We became the best of friends and I knew it was this windwing's heavenly flow-of-freshness that lessened my carsickness, caused me to day dream and made the Santa Anas tolerable.

I wish daily I had a car with windwings.  My husband is sick of my saying so.  He thinks I should start a campaign to bring them back.  I feel now that all I can do is confess my affinity for this triangular love object and accept that times have changed...

Oh my precious windwing!  Where have you gone?  Please come back.  Let not the fancy auto manufacturers  belittle you and smash out your worth, replacing you with solid glass and tints. You ment the world to me.  And it was only until I was older and grown that I could see that.  My husband thinks it unwise to buy an older car, especially for a mom with kids.  His smarts are in banking and not mechanics. Upkeep would be often and parts don't come cheap. Gas already costs $4.11 a gallon.  

I guess it is here where I shall officially thank you for your dutiful service and lasting impression.  

So windwing, I thank you!  The world of modernized cars is a gloomy place without you. Drivers have become less engaged in the traveling experience without your companion gifts of controllable wind and breeze.  

Farewell windwing;  my summer savior and woozie stomach remedy.  Fly to a happy place.  I will always love you over freon.