Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My latest yum

Rachel's Blackberry Cous-Cous Pudding

(Note:  I never follow recipes.  I measure-by-eye.  My philosiphy: Just keep at it until it tastes right.)
~~This is my take on an Indonesian-style dessert.~~

with a generous amount of:
* ginger
* cinnamon 
* cardamom 

* honey &or sugar (honey is yummier) until desired sweetness is reached (may need to add more later as cream will subdue sweetness)
* Lots of fresh "Washingtonian" black berries
* Fresh cream

Mix and enjoy.

Great for dessert or breakfast!
Serve warm or cold (warm is best)

I would love to hear from those of you who try this...

1 comment:

Kate said...

ahhhh .... two things about WA i miss: the yoosh-kas and blackberries! yummmmm!!