Tuesday, August 19, 2008

For Your Play Dough Pleasure...

We made home-made play dough the other day.
Once it was ready for use, I left the room to come back to these masterpieces:
(I know he's my son but I think Isaac's got mad skillz.)

"Ware-rabbit"  by the 4 year old Isaac.

"Lizard" by the 4 year old Isaac.

"Hello Kitty" by the 3 year old Peaches.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My latest yum

Rachel's Blackberry Cous-Cous Pudding

(Note:  I never follow recipes.  I measure-by-eye.  My philosiphy: Just keep at it until it tastes right.)
~~This is my take on an Indonesian-style dessert.~~

with a generous amount of:
* ginger
* cinnamon 
* cardamom 

* honey &or sugar (honey is yummier) until desired sweetness is reached (may need to add more later as cream will subdue sweetness)
* Lots of fresh "Washingtonian" black berries
* Fresh cream

Mix and enjoy.

Great for dessert or breakfast!
Serve warm or cold (warm is best)

I would love to hear from those of you who try this...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sleep, where are you?

I am so tired it feels like pop rocks candy is popping behind my eye balls.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Complete and Total People

My toddlers love to play "superheros".  We have a costume box loaded with capes, wigs, spidey-suits, and vacuum attachments that serve as good makeshift bazookas in times of dragon-slaying and shark-hunting.

Spidey-suit or not...if you ask my son what his name is, 99% of the time he will reply "Peter Parker".  If you ask my daughter what her super-identity is...she will always tell you, "woman".

She is 3...and that projection of herself could not be more accurate.

All children; are in fact, whole and complete people.  I agree, my daughter is most definitely, a "little woman".

How many of us grew up hearing responses like,  "I will tell you when you're older" or "because I said so"?

What a diss to the one inquiring.
If someone asks the time.
Tell them 2:35.
Not the type of watch you have and how it gages 4 different time zones as you fly over them with a mouth full of honey roasted peanuts.

Talk to your kids like they are complete and total people.
Love and appreciate their views and ideas.
Let them have their own.

Who cares how old you are and what initials are after your name...you can learn a lot from someone so fresh to the other side. Things our minds have forgotten, can be resurfaced by the mind of a child.

Much power is entrusted to parents.  It is by and through the experience of family-life...that much power is created.

You know I speak tha Tr00F!