Monday, July 21, 2008


My 2 oldest kids are at a summer day camp in the afternoons all this week.

The house is quiet.

I think I can isolate my thoughts enough to realize that I can make this crazy-motherhood-gig work another day.

I have had the theory of "nature vs. nurture" on my brain lately.   I have determined that my kids are just plain crazy! No I am not exaggerating.  It is just fact.  Sure their surroundings play a big role in their behavior...but I gotta just declare that this is the package in which they came.  I feel I am pretty mellow with them and should just deal with this as the way it is and stop sizing them up to other kids their age and how well they behave for their mommiez and daddiez. 

Even though they are crazy...they are that much more animated and fun.

I guess I am feeling a lil' less-sane these past few days and am finding myself more frustrated.  

The schedule, the fighting, the opposition, the time-wasting, the yelling, the "science experiments" of oddities in the bathroom sink and toilet, the language, the needs and requirements of my children and family...have all increased a notch.

I reckon my capacity to handle all this must too.

So yes, this summer camp came in the nick of time.  I think I might now lay on the couch with my baby for 30 minutes or so.

Ahhhhhh, so nice.


Jessica Stier said...

You are not alone in these thoughts...

Plus, you are doing an awesome job.

It sure is nice to have quiet time some days!

Sarah said...

I feel you sister-
I just remind myself that God never said multiply and replenish the earth only if you've checked your jean pool and you feel safe w/ the risks. Some of us get to have more fun then others and all some days I'm more greatful for that then others! Love you-